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Our Accomplishments


goals_2022-3, listing some of the achieved goals by the Research Analytics staff

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    Provided leadership and guided development of the CERES datamart in partnership with Sponsored Research and Northwestern IT, leading to a successful system launch in April 2023

    Added research data records to Northwestern Scholars and connected them to authors and  publications, to allow for easier discovery and  compliance with new  federal guidelines around data sharing

    Built partnerships with schools, libraries, and other OR units to coordinate analytics usage and best  practices regarding Northwestern faculty research output

    Partnered with Research IT and the Materials Research Center to develop a website that displayed publications and research data, meeting sponsor requirements for a renewal application for a high-profile award

    Worked with five OR units to simplify and streamline reporting and analyses through creation of automatically-refreshing dashboards, saving significant manual effort

    Redesigned OR homepage and updated ten other OR-related sites to allow the research community to find answers about OR services that enable Northwestern research